
Our resource library is full of helpful advice, information, photos, and videos to help you successfully care for the cats in your community. Our volunteers add new information and articles all the time.

Can’t find what you are looking for or need more help? Fill out our general help form and a volunteer will be in touch!

Community cat is a catchall term to describe domesticated cats that predominately live outdoors. Community cats are free-roaming and unowned.

TNR stands for trap-neuter-return and is the cornerstone of Full Circle Cats’ Feral Change program. This guide is an overview of how to begin your trapping project.

Don’t be a kit-napper! When you find kittens outside make sure you have fully assessed the situation and are prepared to care for them. This guide can help.

A library of printable handouts from Full Circle Cats and other organizations. These resources are good for further reading and explore some common community cat topics not discussed in our library.

Community cats have a unique set of needs and options for medical care can be limited. This guide has resources and advice.

Includes videos and links to helpful educational information and detailed how-tos about TNR and various traps. Sometimes a picture (or video) really is worth a thousand words!